Shopify Dispatch Issue #461 - 1st to 2nd order, Prime Day 2024 results

Issue #461 - July 24th, 2024

First Three Months After A First Order

Kevin Hillstrom writes about getting a new customer to buy a second time.

There's so much experimentation that can be done in the 1st to 2nd order space. The returns can be fantastic for those who keep working at it.

Prime Day 2024: What We Don’t Know

Christiana Sciaudone summarizes Prime Day 2024. Seems to be a solid improvement over last year but still some inflation fears from consumers.

Discover where your best customers come from

Going beyond simple attribution, Repeat Customer Insights lets you analyze and segment your customers by who first sent that customer your way.

This will let you find the best sources of long-term customers, not just anyone who orders.

My articles this week

Ask one-time customers why they haven't ordered again

New release: Customer Average Order Value

Digging deeper into start dates

Different uses of start date

Eric Davis

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