Shopify Dispatch Issue #361 - Transactional emails, Refund orders permission added

5 Keys to Better Transactional Emails

Transactional emails like your order confirmation email can be used to help build customer loyalty. Carolyn Nye gives tips and examples on how to improve them.

Just be careful to follow all email laws so the email is still considered transactional (e.g. the CAN-SPAM laws in the US).

New permission to refund orders

Shopify has added a new permission for refunding orders. Minor but this can allow you to give access to only some staff.

Retain the best customers and leave the worst for your competitors to steal

If you're having problems with customers not coming back or defecting to competitors, Repeat Customer Insights might help uncover why that's happening.

Using its analyses you can figure out how to better target the good customers and let the bad ones go elsewhere.

My articles this week

Timing your promotions to convert new customers into repeat customers

The Customer Predicted Spend Tier: clear as mud

When downturns strike, it's good to be adaptive

Use the repeat customer ratio to evaluate how well your Shopify store is performing

Eric Davis

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