5 'Order Review' Implementations That Make Office Depot Best-in-Class
Baymard digs into Office Depot's order review and shows how it compares favorably to other stores.
Simple tweaks and changes aren't as sexy as redesigns but they can be just as profitable.
Moving The Goal Posts
Kevin Hillstrom writes about how vendors change the rules all the time and gives a checklist to help decide if it's worth sticking with them.
Segment your customers for fun and profit (but mostly profit)
Segmenting your customers has always been touted as a powerful marketing tool but many stores avoid it because it can be time-consuming.
Repeat Customer Insights will automatically segment your entire customer base for you based on the valuable data Shopify has already collected. Ranging from 5 to over 125+ different segments, you can pick how much power you want to harness.
My articles this week
How you can damage your Shopify store's SEO by using a store password
Fixing holes in your SEO bucket via broken link repairs
Double your traffic, double your revenue
Shopify SEO: the fundamentals are important to get right
Eric Davis