kindle.rb is a collection of classes and scripts that can be used to manage a kindle notes file.
Highlighting and taking notes on a Kindle is very easy but it can be difficult to review the notes later. All Kindles store highlights and notes in a specially formatted file. kindle.rb is designed to read that file and convert the notes into other formats.
The latest code is hosted on GitHub.
Technology Used
Status: Complete, active status.
Company: Little Stream Software, Open Source
- Parse the Kindle's notes file into a standard format, separated by book
- Support adding new notes to a book later on (e.g. re-reading a book and adding new notes)
- Export notes to CouchDB
- Export notes to org-mode files
At a Glance
- List all of the books you have notes for
- Export your kindle notes to org-mode files, one file per book
- Export your kindle notes to CouchDB