The Repeat Purchase Rate (RPR) measures the percentage of customers who have placed two or more orders at your store. It can be understood as the likelihood of a customer making another purchase.
It is expressed as a percentage from 0% to 100%. 0% means no customer will buy again while 100% means every customer will buy again.
Repeat Purchase Rate can be calculated for your store as a whole or for various customer segments. Comparing the overall rate to the rate for each segment can be a way to identify different levels of customer loyalty in the segments.
Improving your Repeat Purchase Rate can be difficult but it can also have a major impact on total sales and profit. That's because each customer who buys again has a chance to buy another time (and another and another and so on).
Eric Davis
Retain the best customers and leave the worst for your competitors to steal
If you're having problems with customers not coming back or defecting to competitors, Repeat Customer Insights might help uncover why that's happening.
Using its analyses you can figure out how to better target the good customers and let the bad ones go elsewhere.