Different uses of start date

The new start date feature in Repeat Customer Insights can be a bit of an iceberg.

Sure it sounds like just a date of when you started you business, but there's much more you can do with it.

(Thanks to Dan and Matt for their ideas)

Since you can change the start date at any time, you can even use it for temporary measures like the winter holiday or a special campaign.

If you decide to use the start date for another reason, let me know. I'd love to see what ideas you come up with.

Eric Davis

Segment your customers automatically with RFM

Segmenting your customers has always been touted as a powerful marketing tool but many stores avoid it because it can be time-consuming.
Repeat Customer Insights will automatically segment your entire customer base for you based on the valuable data Shopify has already collected for you. Ranging from 5 to 30 to over 125+ different segments using RFM and other models, you can pick how much power you want to harness.

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Topics: Customer analysis

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