Send shipping deadline reminders this week

With holiday shipping deadlines approaching, this week is the time to be sending out "last-minute" order messages to customers.

It's also a prime time to contact any VIP or repeat customers who haven't ordered this season yet. For them you can position it as a year-end loyalty deal as some of them might buy for themselves.

Still a solid week remaining to end the year on a high note.

Directive: Remind customers of your holiday shipping deadlines

Eric Davis

Segment your customers automatically with RFM

Segmenting your customers has always been touted as a powerful marketing tool but many stores avoid it because it can be time-consuming.
Repeat Customer Insights will automatically segment your entire customer base for you based on the valuable data Shopify has already collected for you. Ranging from 5 to 30 to over 125+ different segments using RFM and other models, you can pick how much power you want to harness.

Learn more

Topics: Holiday marketing

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