The past couple of weeks I've been going through the onboarding emails for Repeat Customer Insights.
These emails are sent to new customers to introduce them to the app. They are the software app version of the New Customer Welcome campaign I often write about.
I'm going through them because I'm rebuilding the system that sends them. The new system will let me re-arrange the emails better, so I'm reviewing the content at the same time to make sure they are still relevant.
In the end, each email will get a bit of a refresh and there'll be new ones to cover new features and uses for the reports.
It takes a bit of time and effort but each new customer will benefit so the investment is worth it.
If you have a New Customer Welcome campaign already, when did you last review and revise it? It's worth a look at least once per year if not more frequently.
If you don't have one yet, build one. Even a simple one. Use the Average Latency timing in Repeat Customer Insights for when to transition the campaign into your regular email campaign and then fill in the time with emails every 30 or 7 days.
Eric Davis
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