Use your product descriptions to sell

In stores your packaging will do much of the work to sell your product.

But online, your packaging is shrunk down to a series of flat 2D images. Even if you have a video or 3D model, your customers will be looking at a 2D screen.

They won't be able to lift it.

They won't feel how dense or heavy it is.

They won't be able to feel what it's like.

That's why online it's vital to create great product descriptions. You need to use words, written and/or in a video, to describe everything about the product that customer needs.

The phrase "product description" is bland though. That sounds like it's just explaining what the product is.

It's a semi-liquid gel with fruit sugars and salts in a one-time use container.


Instead think of your "product description" as a "product pitch". That's the area you use to try to convince a customer to buy. Don't just explain what's literally included, get into what the product will do for the customer. How it will help them. Why they'd want to buy it.

Enclosed in an easy to dispose of, Turbo Tummy is your meal on the go. Packed with real fruit components and electrolytes you can be sure to get the energy you need to make it through the day.

Make that the bulk of your product descriptions along with whatever detailed specifications the products needs (e.g. ingredients, size, weight, etc).

Directive: Pitch the benefits in the product descriptions.

Eric Davis

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Topics: Product pages Copywriting

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