Shopify articles - Page 68

Why should your customers come back to your store?

What reason are you giving customers to come back and buy again? Why should they buy from you instead of someone else? Are you the sole manufacturer of a product that has no substitutes? Does your product solve a pressing problem in their life? Is the ordering process in your...

What to do when things grow like weeds

Two of our tomato plants are growing like weeds. So much so that I've trimmed off large branches and stuck those into some pots. Now a couple of weeks later, those branches have grown into full plants and are starting to make their own tomatoes. The other tomatoes we planted...

How the First Product Analysis report shows customer behavior

Recently a Repeat Customer Insights customer was asking about the First Product Analysis worked. You can think of the First Product Analysis as segmenting customers based on which product(s) they had in their first order. It tracks their later behavior and summarizes it in their metrics (LTV, RPR, etc). For...

Focus on email driving purchases and not list-building

I have a history of reading a lot (getting back into the habit right now). As part of my reading I take a lot of notes, which themselves become mini-books. One thing I started doing years ago was to create directives from my notes for each book. Directives are compressed...

Use the time you have now to prepare for the winter season

The past couple of weeks I've been getting ready for the autumn/winter growing season. Even though summer just started, it'll take awhile for seeds to grow into baby plants that can be planted. If I wait a month or longer, I'll miss my window before winter hits. In your store...

Use customer segmenting to give customers what they want

Portland just finished a record-setting heat wave. My potato plants didn't fare well. The majority of their vines died off so it was an early harvest. But my tomatoes... in three days time they about doubled in size and I've been having to prune them almost daily. Even though the...

Tips for bundling products to increase their sales

When you bundle products there are a few things to keep in mind: Include best selling products, as well as complementary products and products that build the best long-term customers (use Repeat Customer Insights to check which those are). Set the price above your Average Order Value to help to...

Get an extra early order from new customers

I harvested the last of my garlic yesterday (44 bulbs in all). Some are good size, most are a bit smaller than I'd hoped (not enough water, poor soil). But a third of them were planted in free space, nestled in-between other plants and squeezed in where nothing else would...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.