Shopify articles - Page 22

Retaining customers with RFM segmenting

A Repeat Customer Insights customer was asking what they could do with RFM segmenting to retain customers better. For retaining existing customers you'll want to reach customers who are good customers but haven't ordered recently. Especially if your product line lends itself to frequent reorders (e.g. consumable products). For this...

What do your customers really want?

Do your customers really want discounts on large orders, upsells, or a loyalty points system? Or are those things you want? The reason customers might be ignoring things are because they don't want them and just ignore them. Be prepared to cut anything that doesn't work. Eric Davis Leaky funnel...

Compare your loyal customers to your average customers

Once you know who your loyal customers are (say though customer segmenting or loyalty analysis), then you can measure how they are different than your regular customers. Goods ways to do this are to compare your overall customer performance to your loyal customer segment: Average Order Value Average Lifetime Value...

Innovation around free shipping offers

While going through some ecommerce stats and studies I came across a post from Jilt that mentioned a pretty interesting offer. Rue La La offers a shipping option called The Rue 30®. Basically when you order, you pay shipping but any additional orders over the next 30 days ship free....

Forecast returns using your Returns Rate

By figuring out your Returns Rate, you'll have an idea of how many returns you'd need to process each month. The only other thing you need to forecast your returns each month is your monthly order volume. (Repeat Customer Insights can automatically calculate your Average Order Volume over a year...

Getting a handle on your Returns Rate

With January wrapping up, most of your holiday returns will have been sent in by now. That makes this a good time to dig into how your returns and exchanges went for the year. Figuring out how many orders resulted in a return can be straight-forward. For this you'll want...

Convert one-time customers into repeat customers

Repeat customers are key to building a long-term business. Without them you're constantly at the beck and call of the platforms to feed you new customers. Hoping those platforms don't change the rules and cut-off your new customer flow (and thus your entire business). That's why getting that one-time customer...

Explain your product redesigns to existing customers

I was browsing my what's new with the company who makes my running sandals. The sets I have are still working well but I was curious what changes they've made and if there was any benefit to upgrading. I ended up having to dig around to find an old product...

How free seeds can get customers to branch out

One of the seed stores I buy from sends free sample packets of seeds with every order. A couple of years back they sent a specific kale, which I now use in my kale breeding. Last year they sent a tiny tomato which was a hit with the family. Then...

Start projects sooner than you think

In a few weeks I'm going to start planting my summer seeds, specifically peppers. It might sound funny but some plants need a really long time to get going. Otherwise they won't grow enough before their season ends. Even though you just finished the main winter holiday season, you might...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.