Shopify articles - Page 141

The tiny hinge that swings your customer retention process

With any customer retention process, you might have ran into a problem with Shopify. Before you can start any kind of customer retention, you first need to know who your repeat customers are. Shopify is great at keeping track of customer data, but it doesn't make it easy to find...

Simple Shopify customer retention using an outreach email

An easy way to increase the future revenue of your Shopify store is to do things today that will ensure your current customers come back. This is why customer retention is such an important topic for ecommerce stores. Putting in the effort to retain a customer now means you'll get...

An easy way to treat your repeat customers better

In order to retain your repeat customers you need to treat them differently and not just as a transaction. They're a person who is giving your business an opportunity to serve. That probably sounds vague and wishy-washy but you know what I mean. How is that going to be used...

Information about the Shopify store you can gather during your app install

Getting the install process correct for your Shopify app can be tricky. I think this is why some developers get stumped after they've gotten the permanent access_token. What do they do now? The correct answer is... anything! Post OAuth install After a shop has installed your app, you can use...

How to get the email addresses of store owners who install your Shopify app

One disadvantage of building Shopify apps is that by default only Shopify maintains the list of your app's customers. That means you don't really have a good way of knowing who they are or communicating with them. Unless, of course, you maintain your own customer database along with Shopify. Your...

Efficient way to sync data from multiple Shopify stores

Public Shopify apps have to regularly sync data from multiple stores at a time. For example, your app might allow a customer to have multiple stores under one account (e.g. public store, wholesale store, staging store) or you could need to do this to keep your app's data updated (e.g....

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.