Shopify articles - Page 139

Does ad relevance matter?

I mentioned using a random image in my Facebook ads to see what would happen. The dog in a blanket robe. Norma asks a great follow up question: What about relevance, though? Did you track the conversion rate of the dog banner vs. the app banner? Sadly both the dog...

Leveraging randomness

I've been doing some work with Facebook ads recently. When setting up my last set of ads I wanted to try three different images to see which one would work: An image of my app banner. An image representing the concepts of my app. A dog wearing a blanket robe....

An illustration of why mail merges are not personalization

The other day my spouse got a letter reminding her about her annual vision examination. Dear SPOUSE, This is a friendly reminder to schedule your annual comprehensive vision examination. Our records indicate your last examination was at least one year ago. [ about the company...] Dr. Vision The letter was...

How mobile has fractured the buying cycle

A few months back I heard about some socks that are strong enough to walk on broken glass with. They're even strong enough to walk on LEGO without any pain. If you're a parent, you know that LEGO bricks are designed to be 23% sharper and more painful than broken...

Prequalify your ideal customers before they visit your Shopify store

One lesson I've learned as a consultant is to prequalify potential clients before I invest a lot of time with them. There are specific things I've noticed in my best clients that I look for with new clients. If someone doesn't have these qualities or fail the qualification in another...

The forgotten P of marketing

One question I get from new JSON-LD for SEO customers is, How long until my store's rich snippets show up in Google? I'm not going to get into the math behind the answer for that but I believe the thinking behind this question is important for every store owner to...

Why Shopify stores always need more traffic

I was talking with a friend yesterday and he was asking if I was already doing A/B testing on my sites. I told him that's the wrong thing to do and A/B testing won't help me at the stage I'm at. The problem is, A/B testing won't tell you anything...

The two types of brand loyalty

Loyalty is such a loaded term in ecommerce. A lot of the advice given to stores is about finding loyal customers. A.k.a., customers who come back and give you money for your products. (Even I write about loyal customers this way too) But loyalty is a two-way street. You want...

Fake forward emails will obliterate your customer's trust

The other day I got an email from someone whose email list I'm subscribed to. The subject line looked like: Fwd: bonus business workshop (regularly $495) Since I forward emails from clients and business contacts regularly, I opened it up to see what it was about. I wasn't aware of...

Make every Friday your Black Friday

Black Friday, the magical day when you start producing a profit (in theory). But why wait until the 11th month? What if every Friday was Black Friday? Black Friday is so successful because you finally getting buyers into the store. Not just lookie-loos who are just browsing. Actual buyers. With...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.