Shopify articles - Page 138

Shopify Apps holiday performance report

During Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and other winter holidays, many Shopify stores are getting ready to handle the increase in traffic and sales. Shopify themselves are probably tuning up their code and servers to make sure all of their stores perform well. Even with all of that tuning, many Shopify...

Switching to a metrics-based approach to ecommerce marketing

Growing your ecommerce business can be difficult, especially in the beginning when you don't have much to go on. From generating traffic by hand by convincing bloggers to review or mention your product, to blowing thousands of dollars on ads that still aren't converting. Fake it until you... break it?...

Synchronize Shopify Data

Keeping your Shopify app's data synchronized with Shopify's API can be confusing at first. Fortunately there are two different options you can pick from. 1. Scheduled cronjobs to pull data An easy way to synchronize your data with Shopify is to make the API calls you need and save the...

Add in-store payment method to Shopify

I had a question from a Shopify merchant who wanted to let their customers checkout online but pay in-store: No payments are taken online, we only accept payment when a customers comes into a store to pick up their order. Therefore we want to eliminate the form. At first glance...

Digging into RFM segmenting in Shopify

Last time I introduced you to the RFM analysis as a way to combine three simple segments into one powerful segment. Now you're going to learn what happens when you're able to perform an RFM analysis on your customers. You've already seen how to combine the Recency and Frequency segments...

3 classic customer segments you should focus on

As you might have noticed already, there are hundreds of ways to segment your customers. It all depends on what data you have and what you want to do with them. That's also a problem though. With so many ways to segment your customers, it becomes difficult to know which...

Take advantage of every order to learn about your customers

Getting to know your customers when you have an ecommerce store can be difficult. Your Shopify store can collect tons of data on them (or is it megabytes of data...) but much of that data is useless. What you want, is to learn more about your customers so that you...

Shopify customers you are at risk of losing

Let's look at a high-value customer segment for your Shopify store. You're aware that there's a cost to get each customer. It may be direct costs from advertising or indirect ones like spending time on SEO or content marketing. Whatever the source, those costs can be pretty high. Every additional...

The segment of customers who just can't get enough

Last time we looked at one simple way to segment your customers, by Recency. The problem with Recency is that you have to be careful marketing buy messages to them because they recently bought from you. But if you wait too long to market to them, they'll age out (leave)...

Create your first customer segment in 3 minutes using Shopify

There are hundreds and thousands of ways to segment your customers. Today you're going to learn about one of the simpler ones. But don't think because it's simple that it's not powerful. Go to your Shopify admin panel and visit your Customers section. Click the Last Order column so it's...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.