Shopify articles - Page 136

When SEO isn't worth the effort

Earlier I was talking with a subscriber about SEO. We were trying to figure out what approaches would make the most sense for a site that is converting very well (10%+) but isn't getting enough traffic. Keyword tools were sharpened. Googles were consulted. Backlinks were reported. We found a few...

How I almost gave up too soon advertising my Shopify apps

Last week I started experimenting with Facebook ads for JSON-LD for SEO. The app page does a great job of converting customers so I wanted to see if I could buy some traffic for it. I set the ad campaign to run for a week with a fixed budget. First...

How to use Amazon's February outage to benefit your Shopify store

On February 28th Amazon's S3 service (cloud storage) had a major outage which took down many parts of the internet for about four hours. Outages happen and it's part of doing business online but Amazon's was interesting because of what caused it. From the write up of the outage, Unfortunately,...

Using the Repeat Customer Insights export data

Working with your Repeat Customer Insights export inside of Excel or Google Sheets is easy because all of the segmentation data is included. Getting your data export You can use the Export section in the main section of the app to export your analyzed customer data and the reports. It's...

Uncover the products your repeat buyers are buying

One really interesting analysis that you can perform is to find out which products your repeat customers are buying. This is different from just your most popular products. You want to look only at your repeat customers. If your store sells a durable good that requires a consumable, like a...

Does ad relevance matter?

I mentioned using a random image in my Facebook ads to see what would happen. The dog in a blanket robe. Norma asks a great follow up question: What about relevance, though? Did you track the conversion rate of the dog banner vs. the app banner? Sadly both the dog...

Leveraging randomness

I've been doing some work with Facebook ads recently. When setting up my last set of ads I wanted to try three different images to see which one would work: An image of my app banner. An image representing the concepts of my app. A dog wearing a blanket robe....

An illustration of why mail merges are not personalization

The other day my spouse got a letter reminding her about her annual vision examination. Dear SPOUSE, This is a friendly reminder to schedule your annual comprehensive vision examination. Our records indicate your last examination was at least one year ago. [ about the company...] Dr. Vision The letter was...

How mobile has fractured the buying cycle

A few months back I heard about some socks that are strong enough to walk on broken glass with. They're even strong enough to walk on LEGO without any pain. If you're a parent, you know that LEGO bricks are designed to be 23% sharper and more painful than broken...

Prequalify your ideal customers before they visit your Shopify store

One lesson I've learned as a consultant is to prequalify potential clients before I invest a lot of time with them. There are specific things I've noticed in my best clients that I look for with new clients. If someone doesn't have these qualities or fail the qualification in another...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.