Shopify articles - Page 132

8 minutes to locate sales-losing friction in your Shopify store

When you're not getting enough sales in your Shopify store, it's time to look at how you're asking your customers to buy. When was the last time you browsed your store, read everything on the page, and actually shopped? It's probably been a while right? Do a Google search for...

Introducing a new Shopify app to get more products added to the cart... Sticky

The last few weeks I've been working on a new Shopify app. Called Sticky, it's an app that will give you a sticky Add to Cart button so your customers always have a clear, impossible-to-miss call to action. [caption id="attachment_1667" align="alignnone" width="475"] Example of Sticky[/caption] You're probably already aware of...

The impact Repeat Purchase Rate has on your customer's lifetime value

Customer lifetime value (CLTV or LTV) is a good metric to watch. Unlike the average order value, CLTV takes into account your customers' repeat orders. Usually when your store's overall CLTV goes up, good things are happening. In my experience with repeat customer funnels, there's another great metric: repeat purchase...

Why you shouldn't compare your Shopify store's Average Order Value

Average Order Value is a metric that many stores like to boast about. It's great to have a high average and you want to feel good about it, but comparing your average order value to another store's can be a waste of time. Imagine if you will, three stores. Jake's...

When slowing down your Shopify store is the right decision

I'm training for my 3rd 50k race now. It's a 24-week process with 4-6 weeks to get started with. Easily half a year commitment for one's race. A few weeks ago I was pushing myself on my long run trying to go further and faster. I finished fine and then...

The magic of Square repeat customer receipts

Quite a few stores around here are using Square for their POS. As a consumer, it's a decent system. I haven't had any complaints about it. But there's one feature they have that is pretty amazing. The first time you use it, the app will ask you how you want...

Little Stream Software support hours

My regular hours are from 9am to 5pm US Pacific time every weekday. I do take time off for US holidays and now and then for vacations. The best way to reach me at any time is by emailing the Shopify support address (shopify at this domain). That will help...

Shopify Apps Refund Policy

Here you'll find a summary of the refund policy for all Little Stream Software Shopify apps. The Terms and Conditions contain the full policies and legal terms. If you have any questions, please contact the Shopify support address (shopify at this domain). As a general rule, be nice and try...

Applying customer latency to a straightforward marketing campaign

Portland got hit pretty hard by snow and ice this winter. One problem was that the temperatures kept fluctuating so we had sheets of ice covering everything. The other day I got this in the mail What is really interesting about this is the copy and the timing. Specifically this...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.