Shopify articles - Page 131

Make your advertising budgets fluid as customer behavior changes

Starting in November I had to lower my own advertising budgets because there was a high demand which was driving prices up. I ended up dropping my own advertising to 1/8th of the prior levels. But now that the holiday season is winding down I'll be starting to increase it...

The early marketer catches the customer

For the past month writing has been difficult for me. Yes, even I the writer of the daily email has struggled many days to write. It's not writers block or not having any ideas for topics. It's simpler than that. I became complacent enough in my writing process that I...

Catching long-tail keyword traffic with Shopify collection pages

A customer wrote me with an SEO question about using collections as a way to get additional, long-tail SEO traffic. Was curious on your thoughts on creating collection pages for specific key phrases. [...] I created a collection page and used my tags [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] to populate the page....

To buy, or not to buy, that is the question

You might not be aware but Shopify is planning to completely redo the App Store. They have been cagey and only given out a limited set of details to their app partners like me, but it appears to be a complete redo. One major change is additional rules and restrictions...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.