Shopify articles - Page 118

Should you purge old email subscribers?

The last couple of years I've been hearing that it's a "best practice" to delete inactive subscribers from your email lists. Basically, find those people who aren't opening and clicking and delete them. The only two reasons I've heard are: It makes deliverability "better" Your open and click rates will...

Chop wood, carry water for your best work

Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water. Zen Buddhism quote I keep a version of this quote in a file I look at everyday. Even though I don't follow Buddhism, it serves as a reminder to me about effort and what I consider 'best...

Using order sequencing to better understand customer behavior

Recently a Repeat Customer Insights customer was asking what were the order counts in Customer Purchase Latency analysis. In there the orders are "sequenced" for each customer and then aggregated by that order sequence along with other aggregate metrics. Simple right? Just joking... An example is easier to understand: Say...

Freaking friction and Shopify sales

Today I had to wash my mouse pad. Even though it looked fine, it was causing too much friction with my mouse that it was grating on my nerves. Friction is good in same cases but not with computer mice or ecommerce. Friction is what causes visitors to leave your...

Starting over after a lapse

The past few months I haven't been running or exercising at all. I have a bunch of reasons (excuses) but in reality, those should have just stopped me for a month. Not four months. Other things just became a higher priority and my exercise routine suffered. But this week I...

1,238,809 words and all I got was this marketing asset

Most of my successes are the result of consistent effort over a long time. While many others blast off the launchpad, they end up fading out when they can't sustain the pace or the fad they took advantage of moves on. One of my constants has been writing. I have...

To joke, or not to joke, that is the question

No April Fools Day jokes from me this year. I got burned out on bad April Fools Day jokes years ago. I can still appreciate a good one but the amount of effort to setup a really great one is too expensive. I'd rather mess with people the other 364...

As the business cycle turns

October and early November are busy times for myself and other Shopify consultants. Our busy cycles start as stores are prepping for their own cycle. And some stores operate on completely different cycles. A swimwear customer has peaks in spring and summer. Cycles happen, whether you like them or not....

How knowing your Repeat Sales Percentage can help your Shopify store

In Repeat Customer Insights there's a metric called the Repeat Sales Percentage that I haven't seen anywhere else. It's a simple metric that is just a simple percent. But embedded in it is some insights that can reveal a lot about your Shopify store and your customers. Repeat Sales Percentage...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.