Shopify articles - Page 110

Back to school, time to prepare for Q4 in your Shopify store

Recently the kiddo started school again. For me, this marks the start of the fall busy season. Much more than the changing leaves or cool weather. That's about two months of time to get any final features developed and released before the holiday crunch starts. I usually don't like to...

Marketing to your strengths

You need to take into account your strengths when marketing. If you're naturally a shy person, don't make PR and interviews a core strategy you use. Use writing, ads, or email marketing. Something you can do the bulk of the work without having to interact with the public. Or if...

Stealing back lost time

Last week I went in for a checkup first thing in the morning. The problem is that mornings are my prime time for running and writing which meant I'd lose the most valuable 2 hour block of my day. I thought about rescheduling but this doctor had a three month...

The easy way to start bundling products for bigger orders

Bundling has been a popular tactic for years as a way to increase your Average Order Value. It's gotten so big that there are entire Shopify apps dedicated to product bundling. But you don't have to go all enterprise with bundles. You could get started by just creating a single...

Selling products like an obnoxious real estate agent

This last weekend we went looking at a few open houses. Not because we're interested in buying but because we wanted to see the different architectures and remodels people have done. (Many homes in this area are from the 1920s) We barely walked into the last one before the agent...

Itty bitty product images, how your Shopify theme might be hurting conversions

Upgrading your Shopify theme can be risky but sometimes that risk is warranted, especially if it will help conversions. One good reason to upgrade is because your theme is using too small of product images. Some people think Shopify resize product images automatically but it's actually your theme that's creating...

As rare as a lightning strike

Last week some heavy thunderstorms rolled through Portland. They freaked out the kid because she heard that lightning will hit tree and knock them onto houses. We explained to her how rare that is and not to worry about it. Well... About a hour later we heard reports of lightning...

Your product line determines customer loyalty

Recently Kevin Hillstrom wrote: The result is this ... our product assortment dictates customer loyalty ... not the other way around. If you sell something that a customer only "wants" 1.5 times per year, you can flail away all you like with loyalty efforts and you'll be successful and the...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.