With the holiday season underway, it's important that your data collecting systems are running correctly. Collect the right data and you can see how your customers are behaving.
Repeat Customer Insights takes a monthly Customer Grid snapshot at the beginning of each month. This snapshot makes it easy to visualize how your customer base was at a specific point in time.
For example: Did you have a lot of VIP customers? Where defections high? Are there signs of customer loyalty?
This snapshot, plus the comparisons it enables can make long-term behavior trends easier to spot and evaluate. How your new and repeat customers behaved during the holiday heavily influence your next year's results.
Eric Davis
Learn which products lead to the customers who spend the most
You can use the First Product Analysis in Repeat Customer Insights to see which products lead to the customers who spend the most. Going beyond best sellers, it looks at the long-term purchasing behavior of your customers.