Incentives to increase order sizes when your inventory is limited

Mary Lou emailed asking:

I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here, but I sell vintage products and nearly all have an inventory of only 1. Once it sells, it's gone.

I've been trying to think about how I could create an up sell or cross sell or bundle and I'm hitting a wall.

The first thing to consider is what's the goal here?

The purpose of upsells, cross-sells, and bundles are tactics to increase the order size. Those three are good for that, but by considering the goal you can see other tactics could work as well or better.

Here's a few ideas to increase order sizes when you have limited inventory.

By looking at the end goal (larger order sizes), a lot more tactics can become solutions. I think the majority of loyalty and AOV-boosting tactics can apply here as long as they don't rely on ordering multiple units of a product (like a bulk discount).

A lot of options will hinge on how loyal your repeat customers are too. They are cheaper to market to and more responsive that new customers. If you use Repeat Customer Insights you can see how responsive they are to ordering again and what their later orders look like (larger, smaller, etc).

That'll give you guidance on what to try with new incentives.

Eric Davis

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Topics: Cross sell Discount Incentives Order analysis Upsell

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