Another homepage copy tip for Shopify stores.
If you're showing your newest/latest products as a collection list on the homepage, remove it.
Most new products are unproven with unproven conversions. By showing them on the homepage you're stealing attention from your best products.
If you still want to highlight new products, use some sales copy that speaks to the benefits of new products and link to the collections instead. e.g. "Become a trend-setter", "Newly updated to have 50% less..."
Your regular customers will then ignore those calls to action in favor of the best sellers list and you'll still please your early adopters.
Just know that won't be as laser-focused on conversions as if you removed the new products entirely.
Not sure which products are creating the best customers? The First Product Analysis in Repeat Customer Insights analyzes your products, orders, and customers who buy them to find out which products lead to the best customers in the long-term, not just which products are bought most often.
Eric Davis
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