Bank some email subject lines for later

Before the holiday season gets in full swing, take a few minutes to brainstorm extra email subject lines that you can hold in reserve.

Writing good copy can take a lot of focus. Focus you might not have in the heat of the season.

If you have 3-5 subject lines ready to go, you can use them for an opportunity that presents itself. e.g. Impromptu flash sale to clear out products or getting featured in a major gift guide. Full emails are better but subject lines are quicker wins.

If you don't use them, you can save them to reuse them for a later sale or use them on social media.

You can use the First Product Analysis in Repeat Customer Insights to see which products lead to the customers who spend the most. Going beyond best sellers, it looks at the long-term purchasing behavior of your customers.

Eric Davis

Segment your customers to find the diamonds in the rough

Not all customers are equal but it is difficult to dig through all of your data to find the best customers.
Repeat Customer Insights will automatically analyze your Shopify customers to find the best ones. With over 150 segments applied automatically, it gives your store the analytics power of the big stores but without requiring a data scientist on staff.

Learn more

Topics: Email marketing

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