There are an infinite number of ways to segment customers. Repeat Customer Insights includes a few of the more effective ones. Which methods you use will depend on your goals and to a lesser extent, your brand.
Here's a few off the top of my head that cover:
- how recently they've ordered
- how many orders they've placed
- how much they've spent
- RFM (which is a combination of the above three)
- seasonal ordering
- geography
- demographic data (e.g. age, gender, income, etc)
- psychographic data (e.g. values, attitudes, interests, etc)
- traffic source
- first traffic source (i.e. how they first heard about you)
- advertising campaign
- content seen (email, web, podcast)
- products purchased
- product categories purchased
- grading algorithms (which can include any number of other methods)
The list goes on and on. Anytime you ask "which customers [do/have/are]?" you're segmenting.
Eric Davis
Which marketing strategies are producing the best customers for your store?
Analyzing your customers, orders, and products with Repeat Customer Insights can help find which marketing strategies attracted the best customers over the long-term.