I read an article from Seth Godin called The 100 hour asset:
If you invest 100 hours in a rare skill, you’re likely to acquire it.
That's two hours per week for a year, four hours over six months, or a about two weeks of full-time effort.
Not a huge amount of time but could represent a significant shift for you and your store.
What if you learned how to write impactful email subject lines? Not full copywriting, just subject lines that get customers to open the emails.
Or how data feeds work with Google Ads? Not to build out a perfect campaign but understand how the data flows in for product advertising.
Or something fun like how to create animated gifs?
As Seth says, you can always go deeper or wider to start to become an expert:
String together a few of those, or dig deep and develop a 1,000 hour asset and now you truly have something.
The article has got me thinking about what small things I could pick up.
Eric Davis
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