40% of orders from mobile, when was the last time you checked your Shopify store?

I haven't reviewed the metrics from Black Friday in-depth yet but one that I did catch was how many orders come from mobile devices now.

About 40%.

It's similar to last year and even if it didn't grow, that's a significant portion. Enough that if you're ignoring or not regularly checking your store on mobile, you could be missing out on a lot of orders.

Today's Tiny Tip would be to try to go through the checkout process on your phone. Start at the homepage, add to cart, etc.

Take your time and watch for any distracting popups, odd behavior, and anything that could be distracting or cause a customer to pause. You'd be surprised at how even the smallest glitch can cause someone to leave your website.

The next step would be to fix those problems but for today you should just be aware of them at the very least. That could help you understand why you are having abandoned carts or customer defection this year.

If you'd like to see which customers are defected, Repeat Customer Insights includes them in a few automatic customer segments. There are even a few early warning signs you can use to spot them before they've crossed over completely to the dark side.

Eric Davis

Segment your customers to find the diamonds in the rough

Not all customers are equal but it is difficult to dig through all of your data to find the best customers.
Repeat Customer Insights will automatically analyze your Shopify customers to find the best ones. With over 150 segments applied automatically, it gives your store the analytics power of the big stores but without requiring a data scientist on staff.

Learn more

Topics: Mobile

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